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Wow, what a trip ! It’s winding down so fast, but has been an incredible experience! A lot of the members of our group are extremely tired, so some people stayed behind in the hotel in Augsburg while the rest of us went on to the beautiful and busy city of Munich. Munich is the capitol city of Bavaria. With a population of around 1.5 million, it is the 3rd largest city in Germany. The first is Berlin ,the capitol of Germany. We went and met our tour guide in the town square.

Upon our arrival we were able to witness the glockenspiel show which was really quite cool, it told two different stories with the puppets and the tolling of the bells in the tower. The show took place in the side of the clock tower on the new town hall of Munich. There is a new town hall and an old town hall. The old one was destroyed in the war and rebuilt later. We then visited several beautiful cathedrals where the skeleton of a saint can be seen. This was really creepy! After viewing the church, our guide took us to a open air market where we got the opportunity to try a “mystery meat” sandwich, as we have come to call it! The square for the market was very busy and very cozy. Everything you would want was there and quite affordable as well.  We also got to see the Hofbräuhaus ( Royal brewery), which is where the royal family made their own beer to sell to the common people. Later on in the tour we got to see the spot where an early Nazi march was stopped. In that same area was a square where Hitler delivered speeches and forced passersby to give the Nazi salute. Townsfolk found a way around it, however, through what was called ,”the Dodgers Street”, which now has a gold painted line through it to memorialize the area. The rest of the time was spent on our own shopping and exploring.

Tonight we performed our last concert at Augsburg University with the choir from there. It was spectacular! Our best one yet for sure. Their facility was absolutely breathtaking and state of the art. Our sound rang around that hall and was absolutely beautiful. The choir performed a piece called “Total Pra