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President Schneider discusses diversity with campus

President Michael Schneider’s statement on diversity and inclusion from Friday’s campus luncheon:

“Acts of discrimination and hate have become commonplace in national headlines and many institutions of higher education including our neighbor Bethany College have been hurt by its touch.

McPherson College has been and will always be a place that welcomes diversity – whether it is race, gender, age, sexuality, disability, religion. It’s who we are. It’s in our mission. Discrimination, racism, bigotry – in any form – is unacceptable. As an institution of learning, we know the best communities are diverse and inclusive.

I want to challenge us to embrace an inclusive culture that supports all types of diversity, engagement, open communication, and authenticity.

I want to challenge us to move from being just supportive and use existing research to become active. Our plans to embrace a diverse campus will revolve around action.”